Hosted by Sugar & Snark
Each week we will post a characteristic and choose 5 of our favorite cover’s with that characteristic.

Title: These Broken Stars
Series: Starbound, Book #1
Authors: Amie Kaufman (Twitter) & Meagan Spooner (Twitter)
Genre: YA, Dystopian, Science Fiction
It's a night like any other on board the Icarus. Then, catastrophe strikes: the massive luxury spaceliner is yanked out of hyperspace and plummets into the nearest planet. Lilac LaRoux and Tarver Merendsen survive. And they seem to be alone.
Lilac is the daughter of the richest man in the universe. Tarver comes from nothing, a young war hero who learned long ago that girls like Lilac are more trouble than they’re worth. But with only each other to rely on, Lilac and Tarver must work together, making a tortuous journey across the eerie, deserted terrain to seek help.
Then, against all odds, Lilac and Tarver find a strange blessing in the tragedy that has thrown them into each other’s arms. Without the hope of a future together in their own world, they begin to wonder—would they be better off staying here forever?
Everything changes when they uncover the truth behind the chilling whispers that haunt their every step. Lilac and Tarver may find a way off this planet. But they won’t be the same people who landed on it.
Why I Picked It: Simply because it's too gorgeous not to. Book cover art has truly stepped its game up in the past few years, and this cover is the perfect example of how far it's come.
Title: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Title: Harry Potter
Author: J.K. Rowling (Twitter)
Genre: Middle Grade, YA, Fantasy, Magic, Magic Boarding School
Harry Potter has never played a sport while flying on a broomstick. He's never worn a Cloak of Invisibility, befriended a giant, or helped hatch a dragon. All Harry knows is a miserable life with the Dursleys, his horrible aunt and uncle, and their abominable son, Dudley. Harry's room is a tiny cupboard under the stairs, and he hasn't had a birthday party in ten years.
But all that is about to change when a mysterious letter arrives by owl messenger: a letter with an invitation to a wonderful place he never dreamed existed. There he finds not only friends, aerial sports, and magic around every corner, but a great destiny that's been waiting for him... if Harry can survive the encounter.
#4Title: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Title: Harry Potter
Author: J.K. Rowling (Twitter)
Genre: Middle Grade, YA, Fantasy, Magic, Magic Boarding School
Harry Potter has never played a sport while flying on a broomstick. He's never worn a Cloak of Invisibility, befriended a giant, or helped hatch a dragon. All Harry knows is a miserable life with the Dursleys, his horrible aunt and uncle, and their abominable son, Dudley. Harry's room is a tiny cupboard under the stairs, and he hasn't had a birthday party in ten years.
But all that is about to change when a mysterious letter arrives by owl messenger: a letter with an invitation to a wonderful place he never dreamed existed. There he finds not only friends, aerial sports, and magic around every corner, but a great destiny that's been waiting for him... if Harry can survive the encounter.
Why I Picked It: During high school, i went through a period of only reading for classes and not for fun. So much so, that when I got too college all traces of the Scholastic book nerd that I had been in elementary school was gone. Then like so many people were brought into the fabulous world of reading, the Boy Who Lived brought me back.
Title: Corralled
Series: (Blacktop Cowboys, Book #1)
Genre: Contemporary, Erotica
In the rodeo arena, all you have to worry about is surviving. But in the arena of love and ecstasy, things get much more complicated.
Lainie Capshaw has been servicing injured cowboys long enough to know that a charming Western drawl combined with a fine physical form doesn't mean you should fall for a man. As a sports therapist, she travels the rodeo circuits patching up riders - and fending off their sweet-talking, swaggering advances.
So no one is more surprised than Lainie when she finds herself involved with not one, but two different men on different circuits. Hank Lawson, a bullfighter, and Kyle Gilchrist, a bull rider trying to stage a comeback. Lainie feels guilty about her two-timing, but it doesn't keep her from doubling her fun -until Hank catches her with Kyle.
She's shocked that Hank isn't mad. She's more shocked to learn Hank and Kyle are hometown buddies. But when the men offer to share her - she knows that both of them are going to try to win her, body and soul. Now it's up to Lainie to choose the one man who can give her the ride of her life.
Title: Succubus Blues
Series: Georgina Kincaid, Book #1
Author: Richelle Mead (Facebook | Twitter)
Genre: Urban Fantasy, Paranormal
When it comes to jobs in hell, being a succubus seems pretty glamorous. A girl can be anything she wants, the wardrobe is killer, and mortal men will do anything just for a touch. Granted, they often pay with their souls, but why get technical?
But Seattle succubus Georgina Kincaid's life is far less exotic. At least there's her day job at a local bookstore--free books; all the white chocolate mochas she can drink; and easy access to bestselling, sexy writer, Seth Mortensen, aka He Whom She Would Give Anything to Touch but Can't.
But dreaming about Seth will have to wait. Something wicked is at work in Seattle's demon underground. And for once, all of her hot charms and drop-dead one-liners won't help because Georgina's about to discover there are some creatures out there that both heaven and hell want to deny. . .
Why I Picked It: Well, I have to say that right after finishing Harry Potter freshman year of college, I didn't immediately advance into adult books. I stayed in YA for a long time. Until I discovered Vampire Academy and Richelle Mead. I call her my gateway author because she's how i progressed to the next level. While impatiently waiting in VA book come out, I decided to give another one of Richelle's books a try. But she didn't have anymore YA; just Georgina, and hallelujah. I fell in love. Seth, Georgina's love interest, became my first book boyfriend, and more than that, I was introduced to Urban Fantasy which is now my favorite genre.
Why I Picked It: There is no other pick for me. No other series that means so much to me. I absolutely love this series. Harry Dresden is amazing. He's brave, loyal, and hilarious. Truly one of a kind. Jim Butcher has created this world that has completely enraptured me. I will be equally exhilarated and heartbroken when this ride is over. Luckily, it's 15 down with a few more to go!

#3Title: Corralled
Series: (Blacktop Cowboys, Book #1)
Lainie Capshaw has been servicing injured cowboys long enough to know that a charming Western drawl combined with a fine physical form doesn't mean you should fall for a man. As a sports therapist, she travels the rodeo circuits patching up riders - and fending off their sweet-talking, swaggering advances.
So no one is more surprised than Lainie when she finds herself involved with not one, but two different men on different circuits. Hank Lawson, a bullfighter, and Kyle Gilchrist, a bull rider trying to stage a comeback. Lainie feels guilty about her two-timing, but it doesn't keep her from doubling her fun -until Hank catches her with Kyle.
She's shocked that Hank isn't mad. She's more shocked to learn Hank and Kyle are hometown buddies. But when the men offer to share her - she knows that both of them are going to try to win her, body and soul. Now it's up to Lainie to choose the one man who can give her the ride of her life.
Why I Picked It: This series was a first in many ways for me. It was my first time reading an adult romance book — even more so my first delve into Erotica. Also, my first time really going out of my element, because it's a Western, all about the rodeo life, the cattle ranching life and sexy cowboys and cowgirls. Surprisingly, it all interests me, which I impart on James' masterful storytelling. It's easy to fall into this series because of the multi-dimensional character development of the lead characters and their detailed careers, their personal lives in the Muddy Gap community, and of course, their interludes in the bedroom. Love this series!
#2Title: Succubus Blues
Series: Georgina Kincaid, Book #1
Author: Richelle Mead (Facebook | Twitter)
Genre: Urban Fantasy, Paranormal
When it comes to jobs in hell, being a succubus seems pretty glamorous. A girl can be anything she wants, the wardrobe is killer, and mortal men will do anything just for a touch. Granted, they often pay with their souls, but why get technical?
But Seattle succubus Georgina Kincaid's life is far less exotic. At least there's her day job at a local bookstore--free books; all the white chocolate mochas she can drink; and easy access to bestselling, sexy writer, Seth Mortensen, aka He Whom She Would Give Anything to Touch but Can't.
But dreaming about Seth will have to wait. Something wicked is at work in Seattle's demon underground. And for once, all of her hot charms and drop-dead one-liners won't help because Georgina's about to discover there are some creatures out there that both heaven and hell want to deny. . .
Why I Picked It: Well, I have to say that right after finishing Harry Potter freshman year of college, I didn't immediately advance into adult books. I stayed in YA for a long time. Until I discovered Vampire Academy and Richelle Mead. I call her my gateway author because she's how i progressed to the next level. While impatiently waiting in VA book come out, I decided to give another one of Richelle's books a try. But she didn't have anymore YA; just Georgina, and hallelujah. I fell in love. Seth, Georgina's love interest, became my first book boyfriend, and more than that, I was introduced to Urban Fantasy which is now my favorite genre.

Title: Storm FrontSeries: The Dresden Files, Book #1Genre: Urban Fantasy, Paranormal
Meet Harry Dresden, Chicago's first (and only) Wizard P.I. Turns out that 'everyday' world is full of strange and magical things - and most of them don't play well with humans. That's where Harry comes in.
Harry is the best at what he does - and not just because he's the only one who does it. So whenever the Chicago P.D. has a case that transcends mortal capabilities, they look to him for answers. But business isn't just slow, it stinks.
So when the police bring him in to consult on a grisly double murder committed with black magic, Harry's seeing dollar signs. But where there's black magic, there's a black mage behind it. And now that mage knows Harry's name. And that's when things start to get . . . interesting.
Why I Picked It: There is no other pick for me. No other series that means so much to me. I absolutely love this series. Harry Dresden is amazing. He's brave, loyal, and hilarious. Truly one of a kind. Jim Butcher has created this world that has completely enraptured me. I will be equally exhilarated and heartbroken when this ride is over. Luckily, it's 15 down with a few more to go!

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