Hosted by An Avid Reader; A Wannabe Writer
Each week, I will have a book-related theme or game, or something fun to do that week. And you can play along! All you have to do is find the question for that week, go to your own blog, write a post that day based on that question, and link your post to this one using the link up tool at the bottom of the post.
This Week's Question
What is your bad bookish habit?
My Answer:
My worse habit is in form of DNF. Sometimes, you just don't "feel" a book. Either the character is annoying or the story is too much and I just can't bring myself to finish it. Only, I intended on using it for a book challenge, or I want to get a review out of it for my blog. So I grit my teeth and attempt to finish it. Which I do... mostly. I will get to about 75 percent done and then I'll put them down, and pick up a new book or more.
In the subsequent days, weeks or even months, I will pick at the book reading a sentence here and a paragraph there until it's finished. This process can take longer than it should -- days, weeks, months or years later...
If you look to the left to the "Currently Reading" section, you might still see Frigid by Jennifer Armentrout in my queue. I got up to 75 percent finished with that one in the summer of 2013... yep.