Title: Fake An Injury DayBook Series: Spirit Week, Book #1Author: Alshia MoyezGenre: YA, Paranormal, GhostsRelease Date: November 14, 2014

Fake An Injury Day
7 Deadly Sins Day
Fairytale Day
Hipster Day
Metal Day
Nerd Day
Bum Day
7 Spirit Week Days
7 painful ways to die.
When a high-schooler goes missing during Spirit Week, her best friends investigate her whereabouts. the search for her leads them to haunted Christopher High School, where the search has finally stopped, but the terror is just getting started, and it's always Spirit Week there. Each terrifying moment brings a deadly Spirit Week theme that threatens to pick these friends off one by one. Fake An Injury Day has new meaning in this chilling high school tale.
Tell us about your book.
Fake An Injury Day is about a group of teens who get trapped during Spirit Week in this old, creepy, rundown high school, and they start getting killed one by one in different Spirit Week themes. It's basically a YA book version of the teen slasher films like Ouija or Final Destination or I Know What you Did Last Summer. But Fake An Injury Day also shows you how to make your Spirit Week costume. Each book in the series will do that. It's a lot of fun.
What was the inspiration for this book?
This actually started out as an idea for a mobile game around the summer of 2011. The book is not an exact reflection of what the game is (or will be), but I wrote it in a way that works better for book format.
Aside from that, I knew I wanted to write a young adult series that was kind of in the teen slasher genre, like Friday The 13th, Halloween, or My Bloody Valentine. I also wanted to use like, a holiday or popular social event as the backdrop of my series. But most of those have been done over the years (i.e. films like: Prom Night, Urban Legend, etc).
And then one day it hit me that Spirit Week was the one that (as far as I could tell) had NOT been covered. I started researching like a mad woman for books about Spirit Week and found ZERO. Spirit Week was wide open and available for me to write my own teen book series around.
What is your favorite scene in the book?
My favorite scene in the book is actually the very first scene where a transfer student comes to class and looks around at all these kids with blacks eyes and arm casts on, and realizes they're just dressed up for Spirit Week, and as a consequence of that, he's in really big trouble and all hell breaks loose for our characters.
What were some of the obstacles you encountered with this book?
There were so many obstacles faced when writing this book. So many. I'd read Water For Elephants back in 2011 & really liked the black & white photos that were in that book. At the time, my book hadn't been completely written but I knew I wanted to add some new elements to it to kind of make the whole concept more interesting. I decided I wanted to use old photos, but since I wanted everyone in my photos to wear some kind of face mask and a Spirit Week costume, those pics were hard to find. I did find them eventually though.
Do you have a dream cast, or did you have anyone in mind while writing?
Actually, for some reason I thought of actor Daeg Faerch from Halloween while working on a character called Michael Harbor. I just think Daeg Faerch is always so scary . He gives me the creeps. I love that.
What are you working on now? Can we get a sneak peak?
Right now I'm working on books 2 & 3 in the Spirit Week series. I don't have a sneak peak available yet & I want to keep the new covers under wraps until I bring the books out, which will most likely be next month anyway because they're so short. But I promise I'll come back and offer a free giveaway here of book 2 if you'll let me.
Who are some of your favorite authors?
I don't have any favorite authors right now, but I do like Pittacus Lore a lot. I Am Number Four is my favorite YA series because I love the concept and the title is so catchy. So yeah, Pittacus Lore is a favorite right now.
Favorite line from a book?
"If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?"
(A line from Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk).
(A line from Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk).
~ 5 Favorites ~
Favorite video game (right now)
Infamous Second Son PS4
Favorite song (right now)
King For a Day by PTV
Favorite Book (right now)
The Surrogates - a Sci-Fi graphic novel by Robert Venditti. It's about the year 2054 and how most people use perfect, humanoid robots called Surrogates to go out into the real world for them while they stay at home.
Favorite TV Show/Movie
The Walking Dead
Favorite Word
Favorite Snack
Nacho Cheese Flavored Doritos

Alshia Moyez makes games for mobile phones and writes young adult, horror, and flash-fiction stories. She is the author of the teen horror story, Fake An Injury Day, which is the first book in her Spirit Week book series.
Moyez's work is heavily influenced by video games.