Sunday, December 28, 2014

2015 MGR Reading Challenge

I created this Reading Challenge for my book club, so I'm definitely up for the challenge. And again, I'm going big! It's WARP SPEED for me. I will review all of these books, as well. Whew, I've got work to do but I'm excited!

Please join us; all the deets are below.

Mocha Girls Read

Hosted by Mocha Girls Read

Reading Challenge Details:
The challenge is simple. The idea is to have fun reading books with titles that will spell out “MOCHA GIRLS 15” by the end of the year.

You can do this challenge in many ways: 
1) Choose books with TITLES that spell out "Mocha Girls" (1 title per letter of the alphabet). The title must begin with the letter you are completing.
2) Choose books whose authors LAST names spell out "Mocha Girls" (1 name per letter of the alphabet). The author's last name must begin with the letter you are completing.
3) Combine BOTH of the above; however, you can only have one title or author's name per letter of the alphabet.
4) Choose two books with TITLES that start with ONE and FIVE to complete "Mocha Girls 15" . The title must begin with the number you are completing.

  1. Off like a rocket - completion of spelling "Mocha Girls" (this way, you only read 10 books)
  2. Out of this world - completion of spelling "Mocha Girl" and adding the "15" (this way, you read 12 books)
  3. Warp speed -  completing levels 1 and 2, AND reading all 2015 Books of the Month (a whooping 24 books)

M - 
O – 
G - 
I - 
R - 
L - 
1 - 
5 -


  • January - Vicious by V.E. Schwab (read; no review)
  • February - Your Blues Ain't Like Mine by Bebe Moore Campbell (not yet read)
  • March - The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl by Issa Rae (not yet read)

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