Monday, February 16, 2015

Making Up for Monday: Book Regrets

Each week, there will be a book-related theme or game, or something fun to do that week. And you can play along! All you have to do is find the question for that week and write a post that day based on that question.

This Week's Topic/Question:
What books do you regret reading?

My Answer:

Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles: For me, this book felt like a ripoff of two movies very dear to my heart, Keith and Crazy/Beautiful. I read this a while ago, so it's hard for me to now try and explain why I felt this way. Check out my review on Goodreads. To anyone who read it -- was I too harsh? Wrong?

A Wanted Woman by Eric Jerome Dickey: My book club is to blame for this one. Though, why the hell I chose to finish this epic fail of a book is on me. There are no words for how cringeworthy and insane this book was. And congrats to Mr. Dickey for creating a main character with absolutely no redeeming qualities... not one. Here's my review.


Twilight Saga series by Stephanie Meyer: I hated reading the books. I read them all with hopes that it would get better; I wanted to understand the appeal. It didn't; I didn't. In fact, I wanted to burn Breaking Dawn upon completion. But -- strangely enough, I guilty-pleasure love the movie series. Have-all-the-soundtracks-and-watch-the-films-over-and-over kind of guilty-pleasure love the movies. Shhhh, don't tell anyone. 


Deadlocked & Dead Ever After (Sookie Stackhouse #12-13) by Charlaine Harris: Deadlocked annoyed me because the plot was dull and overall, it was such a departure from what I expect from the series. I should have stopped there. But nope, I had to read Dead Ever After because it was the end of the series. I expected it to go out with a bang; all I got was a half-hearted "woo". Never did watch the last episode of True Blood either. Both broke my heart with how much of a combined letdown they were...


The Darkness Rising series by Kelley Armstrong: This is perhaps my biggest regret.  I never should have read this sequel series to my favorite YA trilogy EVER, The Darkest Powers. I especially wanted to read this because the The Darkest Powers gang would make an appearance. But, reading all three books equalled one big mistake. I did not like Maya at all, and there was something missing from the trilogy plot-wise... it never came together for me.

But more than that, the reunion just about broke my heat and pissed me off. I love the characters from The Darkest Powers. So much... too much. So I was thrilled that I'd get to see them again, because I felt The Darkest Powers books ended where it really should have began. So, that's what I expected -- a satisfying continuation. But that's not what I got. Not one of my beloved characters had the personality I fell in love with. Not one acted or reacted the way they always had; especially Derek Souza which, I'm sorry Kelley, was inexcusable. Derek is perfect... I could go on and on but I'd rather not work myself up. You can check out my full rant here.

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