Saturday, April 26, 2014

Dewey's 24-Hour Read-A-Thon: Reading Log

This will be my base camp post for the challenge. Everything I do will be linked up here.

Let the Reading Commence!!!
Start Time: Hour 4 (8 AM)
Currently Reading: Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell
Notes: Wrote my opening post and cracked open Eleanor & Park.

Hour 5 (9 AM)
Currently Reading: Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell
Notes: Everything is progressing smoothly... 

Hour 6 (10 AM)
Currently Reading: Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell
Notes: Making progress but not reading as quickly as I'd like too. I am really enjoying being
"in" this book. It makes me remember what it was like to have a crush and how the big, bad world felt not so scary when you were together.
Hour 7 (11 AM)
Currently Reading: Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell
Notes: This story is wonderful, hilarious and realistic. I really like Rowell's storytelling. It's great that the story switches back and fourth between Eleanor and Park's perspectives. They've got really distinct personalities, so it's really great to see them. Even though Park is Asian, I keep picturing him as John Cusack's Lloyd. Is that weird?

Hour 8 (12 PM)
Currently Reading: Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell
Notes: My attention is starting to wane. Or maybe that's just hunger...

Hour 9 (1 PM)
Currently Reading: Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell and The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
Notes: Ventured out into the world for food... will be smarter next year with the snack preparedness.

Hour 10 (2 PM)
Currently Reading: The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
Notes: Sloooooow to get back into the swing of things. Had to take a reading break.

Hour 11 (3 PM)
Currently Reading: Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell 
Notes: Chucking along again now that I'm properly fed and watered. Determined to finish E&P ASAP.

Hours 12-13 (4-5 PM)
Currently Reading: Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell 
Notes: I got so into the book that I completely missed my Hour 12 check in. I love this book; I love Rowell's writing style. I already have her book, Fangirl, and it's moving to the top of my reading list!

... but wait. What's this... I won a door prize in Hour 12????? 


Hour 14 (6 PM)
Finished This Hour: Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell 
Notes: Yessssssssssssss! I FINALLY finished a book.

Hour 15 (7 PM)
Currently Reading: The Truth About Alice by Jennifer Mathieu
Notes: I'm feeling like staying in the world of teen angst just a bit longer. Also, this book is one of the shortest and I'd love to finish another book quickly. As Ann Elliott would say, "I am determined. I will!"

Hour 16 (8 PM)
Currently Reading: The Truth About Alice by Jennifer Mathieu
Notes: Yes, I'm on a roll! I will be finished with this one sometime in near future for sure!

Hour 17 (9 PM)
Finished This Hour: The Truth About Alice by Jennifer Mathieu
Notes: Whew hew, whew hew!!! Finished Book #2

Hour 18 (10 PM)
Currently Reading: Dark Lover (Black Dagger Brotherhood #1) by J.R. Ward
Notes: Totally spicing up my night with a change of genre. We'll see how close I get to finishing this one.

Hour 19 (11 PM)
Currently Reading: Dark Lover (Black Dagger Brotherhood #1) by J.R. Ward
Notes: Rah row... my mind is starting to wander. I barely did any reading in the last hour...

Hour 20 (12 PM)
Currently Reading: Dark Lover (Black Dagger Brotherhood #1) by J.R. Ward
Notes: sleepier and sleepier...

Hour 21 (1 AM)
Currently Reading: Dark Lover (Black Dagger Brotherhood #1) by J.R. Ward
Notes: One... two... two book, ahhhhh ah ah ah. Apparently this is all I'm going to be able to finish. I've spent most of this hour convincing myself that it's not time to go to bed.

Hours 22-24 (2-4 AM)
Notes: I couldn't hang. I set my alarm to take a teensy nap and yeah... woke up at 5AM. I will have to take a nap earlier in the evening next year, I think. Still had a fabulous time!

Read-A-Thon Mini-Challenges: 

Click the links for my challenge posts:

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