Hosted by An Avid Reader; A Wannabe Writer
Each week, I will have a book-related theme or game, or something fun to do that week. And you can play along! All you have to do is find the question for that week, go to your own blog, write a post that day based on that question, and link your post to this one using the link up tool at the bottom of the post.
This Week's Question
How many books do you read at a time?
My Answer:
Waaaaaaaaaaay more than I should, lol. It all depends really on how excited I am about the books that I currently have in my possession.A lot of things can affect how many books I read at a time. Often, if a book I start isn't as exciting as I thought it will be, I'll pick up another ... and another. Or, I might burn out on the genre of a book midway through reading it, and I'll pick up something else.
Also, the convenience factor comes into play. I know there a lot of "book purists" out there who refuse to step into the technological age and embrace e-books. But these people are forgetting the biggest benefit to e-books -- which is how many books you can carry with you at all times!!!! And I'm not taking about e-readers, people. I'm talking about cellphones! Pretty much everyone has one nowadays, and it's silly -- at least to me -- to not utilize them to their fullest potential. I've got at least 5 different apps to choose from containing tons of audiobooks and e-books right at my greedy fingertips. It's just too easy for me to ignore.
Audiobooks further add to my "currently reading" list's ever-expanding waistline. At any given time, I'm reading at least (1) e-book/physical book and (1) audiobook. Audiobooks are for driving/the gym/Sims playing, and physical books are for any other time. I might even be listening to multiple audiobooks if I get the itch to re-listen to a series that I heart.
But the #1 culprit is definitely book releases. If I've been waiting for a book -- for months -- I'm going to drop everything I'm reading to start and finish it. Mostly because I hate spoilers. Also if it's the latest addition to a beloved book series, I just have to know what's coming next immediately! Also, because I get exitable about new, bright and shiny things. I suppose you can compare it to dropping a gourmet chocolate bar on top of a mound of toosie rolls I've been munching on -- definitely snatching up the gold!
Add in my newly-acquired library care, and the madness continues....