Monday, April 14, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Bookish Things (That Aren't Books) That I'd Like To Own

Top Ten Tuesday is weekly meme created by bibliophiles who describe themselves as "particularly fond of lists".

This Week's Topic:
Top Ten Bookish Things (That Aren't Books) That I'd Like To Own (new bookshelves, bookends, cool bookmark, a bookish shirt, etc. You can add things you DO own if you want).

My Answer:
My list goes from the easiest to the hardest to attain. The last two are the hardest and the least likely from where I am today, but I have high-in-the-sky-apple-pie hopes (from a Frank Sinatra song my Mom sang to me)!

I really want this cuff! I love this quote so much and I love that the entirely of Captain Wentworth's letter fits on it. I prefer Persuasion to Pride and Prejudice -- I identify with Ann more than I ever could with Lizzy.

Item: Jane Austen Persuasion - Captain Wentworth's Letter - Literary Quote Brass Cuff Bracelet
Handmade by: JezebelCharms
Source: Etsy

Awesome book covers are one of my favorite things in the world. I have seen a lot of book cover necklaces on Esty, but this artist's work appeals to me most. She's currently making me one for Jim Butcher's Cold Days and one for Kelley Armstrong's The Reckoning!!!

Item: Gone With the Wind By Margaret Mitchell Classic Miniature Novel Book Pendant Necklace
Source: Etsy

Every once in a while, I switch up my personal style. Right now, I am digging tee shirts paired with nice blazers. Nothing new, but when I realized how much money I can be saving by pairing tee shirts with blazers (that I can also where to work), I got really excited!So far, the only tee I own almost doesn't count because it's a GoT tee-shirt.

Item: Books T-Shirt
Print by: abigailahn

Athletic, pullover, zip front... I love hoodies. I'd wear them all the time If I could.

Item: Harry Potter Book Movie Title Inspired Potter Geek Head Unisex Pullover Hoodie
Print by: parenholly
Source: Etsy

Saw these while browsing on Esty and I must have it!!!

Item: Jane Austen Persuasion and Lady Susan Recycled Book Purse
Print by: NovelCreations
Source: Etsy

I don't have much bookish swag from my favorite authors/books/series. Really just autographed books from Richelle Mead and Nalini Singh, but I'd love much, much more. Especially anything from Jim Butcher ... anything. I'd love it to be personalized so I don't just want to buy something online.

What makes it even harder is that not all of my favorite authors make a lot of swag... At the moment, to the left is the extent what I have.

These are so cute!

Item: Mini Girl Reading a Book Bookend

I've got a lot of unused wall space in my apartment, so I've got tons of room for quirky bookshelves. Even though the picture is not what I mean, how cool is that!!!!

What I'd prefer is .... (queue next answer)

This would come with a house, so it's not something I'm like 100 percent sure if I'll ever get there. I'm hoping that I will. I'd love it to include a bay window seat. I can see it in my head... looks a little something like this. Marvelous.

I've had an dog as a teen, but wasn't fully ready for the responsibility so we gave her to a family with lots of kids. I'd really like to try again, but this isn't something I can have now. Currently my apartment says no dogs/cats. But I'd really prefer to wait until I had house with a nice backyard for him/her to play in. 

I wouldn't mind a cat, but that's unlikely. I'm allergic to them and my dad is deathly afraid. It's weird, but he's pretty serious; see-a-black-cat-in-the-road-and-make-a-u-turn serious. Yeah, that happened. 

But I do currently have a gorgeous red and blue Dragon Scale Betta; his name is Targaryen :) 

But, I also I see a Souza in my future :)

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